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Welcome to my site

Hey there! Welcome to my site! Chances are you are here because either

  1. We met in person and I gave you this link. Your awesome by the way :)
  2. You got this link from a job application I submitted to your company
  3. Your a rando on the internet who just stumbled on this website

In any case your welcome to stick around for awhile. Feel free to take a look at some of the stuff I've made on my GitHub or read some of my posts on this blog.

A little bit about me

I'm just an avid Infosec enthusiast that likes to write code that does things and I also have opinions about how security should be done and what needs to be done industry wide to improve.

If you feel the need to contact me or just want to chat

You can hit me up at my email directly at or by reaching out via any of the social media buttons at the bottom of any page.

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