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Why Doom is important

I like putting Doom on things! It's a great game so I've decided to embed a copy of it here for future projects. Doom is an excellent proof of concept for hacking as it shows to the layman what degree of control you as an attacker have over a machine ... or browser.

It does a great job of showing that as an attacker

  1. You can run any code you so choose
  2. The degree of the previous is so extreme that you can easily play a videogame that they likely recognize
  3. That just like the name of the game this machine is doomed

I feel that a lot of the time one of the major hurdles that the security industry has to overcome is how to explain why these extremely complicated attacks are something that a person or business should even care about. And even if they do care how can it be conveyed in a way that is both meaningful and relatable. That is why Doom is so important; it shows in a meaningful and relatable way why normal people should care about information security.

And if you can do that then all that is left to do is fix the issue at hand. Something that by comparison is very easy indeed.


  • Arrow keys to move
  • Left Control to Shoot
  • Spacebar is your action button
  • Use the Phone icon in the overlay for a mobile friendly experience
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